Sunday, March 2, 2008

re: Facebook

I'm beginning to believe that "being there" is a better bet than missing the exposure. There's probably very little chance of pereferal damage, and if it picks up one or two additional riders per year it's a cheap success. (ever hear the 'client for life' theory? If it's a movie theater at $5 x 3 movies / hear * 60 years ... it adds up. I think that was a Carnegie item)

Let me suggest (and I use this thought frequently) " What would grandpa Fred have said, and would I have thought he was standing in the way of progress"... and, of course, I was right.

So now what do I tell my daughter? I don't want to have grown up to be her Grandpa Fred? ! ;) This was a good thought... I need to post it!

Enjoy the day!

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